Best Price Guarantee

Adult Sex Toy Wholesalers Best Price Guarantee!

At Adult Sex Toy Wholesalers, we want you to be able to buy quality sex toys at Australia’s cheapest price. We will NOT knowingly be beaten on price!

Before we list a product for sale, we always check to make sure you will be buying it from us cheaper. However with over a million products in stock, sometimes; very rarely, something may not be.

If you’re serious about wanting to buy one of our sex toys, but have found a cheaper price elsewhere – Our Best Price Guarantee will ensure you pay less with us!

Best Price Guarantee Terms & Conditions

There are some terms and conditions that do apply you should read and check first.

  1. You must be ready to buy if we agree to drop the price for you.
  2. The price to beat must be from an AUSTRALIAN website that ONLY SELLS adult sex toy products.
  3. The price to beat is in Australian dollars and includes GST.
  4. The price to beat is not part of a liquidation, clearance or limited time offer.
  5. The price to beat is on an identical product available for immediate sale.

These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time and we reserve the right to reject any price beat request at our sole discretion.

How To Request A ‘Best Price’

Simply call our customer service team during business hours, 8am to 9pm (AEST) on 0424 408 007.

  • Know the name of the product/s or the SKU number/s of our product (found below the ADD TO CART BUTTON).
  • Know the url of the page from the other website showing the cheaper price.

If we agree to beat the other website’s price, you will be able to purchase the item/s at Australia’s cheapest price immediately!